What Will It Take To Hit That Next 6-Figure Bump In Your Business?
Jan 28, 2021
What Will It Take To Hit That Next 6-Figure Bump In Your Business?
If you want to experience exponential growth and increase your income and quality of life quickly, you have to learn how to set goals that cause you to focus on how you can and why you must versus stuck staying the same and bemoaning why you can’t.
It’s time to show up for your dreams and vision for your best life.
Here are 3 big ideas to develop the focus and consistency that you need to accomplish next level success.
1. It takes more than positive thinking
While I am a firm believer in the power of our thoughts and our words, thinking good thoughts alone will not change your circumstances.
90 days of laser-like focus and consistent productivity can change your life.
The key is to have a daily practice to prime you for success and create a clear roadmap for each day to move beyond overwhelm and distraction.
2. Clear Out The Clutter To Create Clarity And Room For Growth
Busyness without focus is like trying to win a long-distance race by running in a circle. You’re exerting energy…but you’re not getting anywhere.
Most times a look at your environment will give you an accurate indication of how productive you are being. A cluttered and disheveled space is often a good indication of your level of focus and clarity.
Conversely, an overly pristine space may well indicate that more energy is being spent on perfectionism rather than productivity.
Then there is a cluttered mind with far too many things going on at once. Many Creatives face this challenge with ideas coming faster than they can ever hope to execute.
In each case, a system for scheduling success and daily practices that allow for creativity within a structure can ensure amazing outcomes.
Creativity within a structure will allow you to 10x your business and your life.
I first learned the power of systems and structure as a singer performing both Jazz and Classical Music.
At first glance, these two genres can seem to be total opposites. Yet the truth is you can only improvise in Jazz when you understand meter and chord structure, and it is a solid vocal technique that allows the classical voice the freedom to soar.
3. Engage With A Tribe of Like-minded Thinkers
Scientific studies have proven that group learning fosters a deeper understanding of learned material and lower levels of anxiety and stress. It also provides camaraderie, accountability, and potential affiliate relationships to build your business and your brand.
When you level up your community everything changes.
Because I want my clients to excel and experience sustainable growth, creating community is a major component in all of my courses.
If what you are doing hasn’t gotten the results that you wanted, it’s time to get the training and support that you need to move you from where you are to where you want to be.
The old way isn’t working anymore because it isn’t meant to.
No more hoping and wishing that “it’s gonna work this time.” It’s time to show up for your dreams and vision for your best life.
Allow me to help you develop the focus and consistency that you need to accomplish next-level success.
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Think Big ~ Dream Even BIGGER!!!
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