ELEVATE to The Best and Highest Version of Who You Really Are
May 26, 2021
Don’t buy into the “all the top spots are already taken” mentality.
The world is waiting for you to show up and make a difference as only you can and you owe it to yourself to live the life that you’ve been longing for.
The truth is there’s plenty of room at the top…it is the mid-level of mediocrity that is oversaturated.
I learned how to be the best because I follow and study with the best in the world.
And I love to pass on what I learn to passionate visionaries who are ready to live their best life while making a difference.
One of my biggest inspirations and greatest teachers is Tony Robbins.
I have so integrated Tony’s heart-centered approach into the way that I serve that he’s actually re-tweeted my posts.
I was also thrilled and honored when I was featured as “A Force For Good” on The Tony Robbins Podcast.
You too can live your best and highest life.
Here are 3 simple…yet MAJOR steps to start you on your way.
1. Stop Avoiding Things You Know You Need To Do
Procrastination is a manifestation of fear.
Fear of failing
Fear of accountability
Fear of judgment
Fear of succeeding
When you take the time to track and unpack your internal narrative you can begin to get into motion and move past fear and limiting beliefs.
2. Practice Resilience Without Bitterness
Ish happens.
People are so many things…
There is an old adage that says, “Hurt people hurt people.”
As annoying and frustrating as it can be…sometimes you just have to let sh*t go.
The energy and focus that it takes to be angry and seek retribution is better spent on building your best life and creating the joy and success that you so richly deserve.
Don’t sweat the small stuff…and yep…it’s all small stuff.
Do your thing and…
Bounce Back Better.
3. Find A Coach and Be Coachable
Steps one and two require focus and consistency.
The benefit of working with a coach who can give you clear and objective feedback is pricele$$.
Imagine how you would feel if you had someone to give you clear direction to grow your business faster, increase time with your family and get more out of life.
My first major investment as I was transitioning into my career as an online Influencer and Content Creator was a 1:1 Tony Robbins Coaching Program.
Even now, I continued to study with the best and brightest minds in Personal Development, High-Performance Psychology, and Neuroscience.
I set my mind and intention to build my career doing the same caliber of work as the people that I study with and admire.
And now…I AM teaching others how to master their MINDSET and TRANSFORM their lives.
There is so much fear-based marketing that will try to tell you that the top names in the business have taken up all the opportunities for massive success.
Like I always say…
If someone can…
anyone can
And if anyone can…
I can
And the best news is…
Think Big ~ Dream Even BIGGER!!!
One more important thing I’d like to share with you.
Remember that it’s been said…
“People who succeed aren’t smarter, luckier, or more talented than anyone else is. Successful people are just willing to do the hard work other people try to avoid”
While there is indeed a system to success there is no way to avoid putting in the work. So many people are buying into the hype of a quick fix mentality that isn’t real and doesn’t work. I don’t have a hack or a shortcut to give you…and the truth is…shortcuts never build a sustainable business.
So if you are looking for a “magic formula” this isn’t for you. Stop reading now because I don’t want to waste your time or mine.
But if you do choose to stay connected you can subscribe to get notifications when my blog is published and I will send you content to keep you focused to stay on the path to financial freedom.
You will develop the clarity and confidence to take the next right step towards making your dream your reality.
The choice is yours…either way…I’m rooting for you!