From Homeless To First Class On The French Riviera
Nov 19, 2020
I was in a toxic and dysfunctional marriage for 30 years drowning in debt and
discouragement. Today I am running an online business that I love that provides me
with the financial, and when the world opens up again, location freedom to live the
life that I had been longing for.
Despite being homeless for 3 months after I left my marriage, I was determined to
generate the wealth necessary to care for my adult son with special needs and live
the life that deep down I always knew I was destined to live.
My gift to myself when I hit my first benchmark goal in just 12 months was a 10-day
First Class trip to Paris and the French Rivera.
Why haven’t you done what you say you’ve always wanted to do?
Success has to be more than a want…it has to be a MUST if you are going to stay
consistent in the pursuit of your dreams.
Here are 3 steps to set you on the path to lasting success.
1. Identify what your ideal life looks like.
Get really specific.
Are you tired of living paycheck-to-paycheck?
Then set a monthly financial goal that will allow you some breathing room and the
ability to begin to save and create a financial cushion.
Are you tired of trading time for money using your gifts and talents to build
someone else’s dream?
Then figure out what YOUR PASSION is and begin to do the research, take courses
and find the coach that will allow you to create the financial and location freedom
you are longing for.
Clarity is key if you want to go from wishing and wanting to actually living the life of
your dreams.
2. Set up a daily morning practice that primes you for success each day.
I start each day by journaling, doing a yoga practice, followed by prayer and
mediation, and finally mapping out my day both mentally and in my daily planner.
My day begins with my agenda…not someone else’s. I don’t look at or answer emails
and texts until I am clear on what I intend to accomplish each day.
This is also how the world’s top performers and income earners start their day.
They take control of their state of mind and their agenda and achieve accordingly.
You will find that you will be so much efficient and productive when you reclaim
and prioritize your time.
3. Find an accountability partner to advise and support you.
Finally and foremost…success doesn’t happen alone or by accident.
Build a team as quickly as you can. Hire a coach, join networking associations, find
groups in your area of interest, and become actively involved.
The more insight and input you can get from people who have already begun the
process the faster and further you’ll be able to go.
Success is within your grasp…you just have to be willing to get after it.
You are not alone on this journey. I am rooting for you and I am here to help.
Drop me a line and tell me what your best life looks like.
Think Big ~ Dream Even BIGGER!!!
To help you to achieve your goals faster I created a 3-video training
How To Overcome Fear & Self-Doubt and Live Your Best Life Now
It is my gift to you…Click the link and download TODAY!
It’s an absolute GameChanger!!!