I Stopped Fighting and Decided To Start Living
Oct 29, 2020
Have you ever found yourself fighting for a relationship and realized that you were
the only one committed to growth and change?
I’ve been there.
I finally accepted that my relationship wasn’t going to change because at the time
my ex didn’t want things to change. What I had to accept was that I was playing a
role that I was no longer willing to play.
You see, by nature, I am a “fixer” and a “rescuer.”
Why would anyone want to change if they know that no matter what catastrophic
mess they made in their life, someone else would come in and clean it up?
I had to take responsibility and ownership for my role in the dysfunction.
I accepted that I had to change if I really wanted my life to change.
Trust me, there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth when I chose to focus on
what was for my highest good.
I’ve learned that the greatest gift that you can give to another person is to let
them experience the outcomes of their choices.
Sometimes they will get it and grow with you…or they won’t.
You then have the opportunity to embark on a wonderful new journey.
Here are 5 GameChanging Choices You Can Make To Reclaim Your Power
1. Stop blaming other people and accept that your life is the sum total of the
choices that YOU have made.
2. Celebrate and embrace the fact that you can make a different choice and take
action immediately.
3. Complete this sentence: If I were living my best life I would…
4. Begin to research, read, and watch content that supports and affirms your
5. Find a therapist, coach, or support group to help you on your journey.
Yes…these are big, bold action items. Because…
It is time to move the needle in your life. Your health, happiness, and peace of
mind depends on it.
I know what it is like to experience the joy and freedom of living the life of my
dreams instead of fighting someone else to make their dreams come true.
This is not about “how to leave a bad relationship” this is about how you can live
your best life and what it takes to get there.
Changes will have to be made, and the biggest change is learning how to love and
show up for yourself.
You can live the life of your dreams…you just have to be willing to remember who
you really are and trust your best self again.
I am rooting for you and I am here to help.
Drop me a line and tell me what you’ve been dreaming of.
Think Big ~ Dream Even BIGGER!!!
To help you to achieve your goals faster I created a 3-video training
How To Overcome Fear & Self-Doubt and Live Your Best Life Now
It is my gift to you to you…
Click the link and download TODAY!
It’s an absolute GameChanger!!!